“Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!”

©Fox/Matt Groening

©Fox/Matt Groening

“We’re back, baby!” as Futurama’s Bender says whenever the show returns after having been canceled previously. And I’m here to say ‘I’m back!’ as well.  Nearly a year ago I resurrected this site for  creating and posting more art.  Shortly after launch, and through to springtime, the health of our aging dogs (aka studio management) declined, with both passing away within a few days of each other in early March.  After my FOCUS’d post in January, I ended up with Covid, and though my bout with it was mild and short, I still do not feel I’ve regained back my energy or stamina.  Needless to say, 2023 did not get off to the start I hoped for and life threw some unpleasant wrenches into my creative gears.  But today is the day to pick myself back up and get into the groove again.

After a 10-year hiatus, Futurama returns with a new season on Hulu tomorrow night! As a fan who has watched through the original series multiple times, I am marking this occasion with a new piece of art. Who doesn’t love an irreverent, shady, smoking, drinking, flame-belching robot to kick off this long-awaited event?Guard your jewelry and wallets – even though new adventures abound, I’m sure Bender will maintain his old habits of pickpocketing valuables from anyone who gets too close to him, be it friend or foe!

Bender kicks off my Futurama art series – stay tuned for more characters in the coming weeks!

“Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!”
– Bender Bending Rodriguez
9×12 mixed media on gesso panel